Gallery of Sponsored "Flags of Honor"
- Patti Moss Williams honoring Brady C. Moss - U.S. Army
- Jan & Deanna Johnson honoring Ralph E. Johnson, Jr., U.S. Merchant Marines
- Jonathan Ledbetter honoring Charles Austin Ledbetter, U.S. Army, Active Duty
- Gail Bynum honoring A. L. "Slue" Layfield, U.S. Army
- Debra Walker & Dale Dyer honoring John Dyer, U. S. Army
- Pat & Al Clanton honoring Elwin E. Speegle, U. S. Army
- Toni Reeves Hill honoring Tooney Reeves, U. S. Army
- Cheryl Hendrickson honoring William "Bill" Hendrickson, U. S. Navy
- Kristi Brooks honoring N. Ashton Brooks, U.S. Air Force (Active Duty)
- Robbie McAlpine honoring Lawrence C. Green, U. S. Army
- Robbie McAlpine honoring Richard Stanley Wood, U. S. Army
- Jack Bains & Beverly Anderson honor Jack Martin Bains, Sr., U. S. Navy
- Bill & Cheri Hendrickson honoring Jonathan Dempsey, U. S. Marine Corps
- Danny & Patti Robinson and David Robinson honoring Carey Lee Johns, U. S. Marine Corps
- Pam & Kevin Ellis honoring Joseph Edward Alldredge, U. S. Air Force
- Judy Rudder honoring Oliver Thomas (OT) Bailey, U.S. Army
- Valerie Stone honoring Joshua Dempsey, Army National Guard
- Tom & Judith LaRocque honoring Thomas R. LaRocque, U. S. Army
- Jerome Morrow honoring Daniel Isaiah Morrow, U. S. Air Force
- Polly Gargus honoring Royce E. Gargus, Army National Guard & Army
- Norma Childs honoring James Richard Childs, U.S. Army
- Lisa Pate honoring V. Virgil Pate, Air Force National Guard
- Judy Underwood and Clay, Tara, & River Murphree honoring Randy Underwood, U. S. Army
- Sheila Morton Norton, Liesa Morton Arrington, & Dianne Morton Arrington honoring Vance Morton, U. S. Army
- Rachel Simmons honoring Julius Addrick Simmons, US Army Air Corps
- Donna Thomas honoring Jimmy Charles Elrod, US Army
- The Franklin & Evans Family honoring Joseph "Joe" Franklin, USMC, USAF, and US Army
- Hilda Dover honoring Howard Lee Dover, Sr., US Army National Guard
- Barbara Reeves honoring Chester "Chico" England, US Merchant Marines
- Kristie Ray honoring Dalton Wester, US Navy
- Jeanette Aycock honoring Arvil Eugene Curlette, U. S. Army
- Appalachian HS Class of 2002 honoring Forrest Sibley, US Army (KIA 2015)
- Suzy Wilson honoring Jerrold L. Smith, U. S. Army
- Gary & Jill Stansell honoring Ralph Allison, U. S. Army
- Mary Taylor Butts honoring Lonnie Rural Butts, U. S. Army
- Sam Miller honoring James Wesley Miller, U. S. Marines
- Bridgette Harrel honoring William Fischer, U. S. Air Force
- Mary Alice Stevenson honoring Joe Wheeler Stevenson, U. S. Army
- Glenda Sims honoring Dan Sims, U. S. Air Force
- Patrick Hubauer honoring Patrick Joseph Hubauer, U. S. Army
- Carol R. Knight honoring Joseph Michael Ragsdale, U. S. Army
- Trish C. Ganey honoring Charles "Cliff" Cargile, U. S. Navy
- The Elrod Children honoring Hoyt Elrod, U. S. Army
- The Family honoring SGT Peggy Leigh Blake, U. S. Air Force
- The Family honoring LTC John Roderick Sanders, U. S. Army
- The Family honoring 1LT Edward Myrlon "Mack" Phillips, U. S. Army
- Jennifer Meeks honoring SP5 T. J. Huff, U. S. Army
- James & Brenda Carr honoring CPO J. C. Carr, U. S. Navy
- Marcella W. Blakely honoring MSGT1 Charles Richard "Bunkum" Waugh, U.S. Air Force, Army Air Corps, Navy, & Marines
- Diane Whittington honoring CPL Robert "Bob" Whittington, U. S. Army
- SP-4 Roy Cox, U. S. Army
- SP 4 Troy Cox, U. S. Army
- Velma Cox honoring LCPL Leldon Dee Watson, U. S. Marines
- Velma Cox honoring SP4 Preston Eugene Cox, U. S. Army
- Karen Cornelius honoring SGT Kenneth "Hammer" England, U. S. Army