Board Member Job Description
As a member of the Board of Directors of the Oneonta Business Association (OBA), these individuals have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that the organization does the best work possible in pursuit of its goals. Board members of the OBA must support the purpose and mission of the organization and pledge their commitment to assist in carrying out its work.
OBA board members will consistently act responsibility and prudently in the following duties to include:
Should board members fail to fulfill these commitments to the organization, they understand that the Board President will call upon them to discuss their responsibilities. Should there come a time where they are no longer able to regularly attend meetings and fulfill their obligations to the OBA, it will be their responsibility to resign their position as member of the Board of Directors.
Date Adopted by OBA: April 18, 2017
OBA board members will consistently act responsibility and prudently in the following duties to include:
- Must be a current dues-paying member of the OBA or an appointed staff representative of such.
- Must actively serve on one standing committee and one event/project committee.
- Assume legal, fiscal, and moral responsibility, along with fellow board members, for the well-being of the organization.
- Be familiar with the budget and take an active part in the budget planning process.
- Know and approve all policies and programs and oversee their implementation.
- Take responsibility for making decisions on organization issues and board matters.
- Interpret the organization’s work and values to the community, represent the organization and serve as a spokesperson.
- Keep up-to-date on the business of the organization by attending meetings, reading minutes and reports.
- Excuse themselves from discussions, decisions, and votes where they may have a conflict of interest.
- Regularly attend board meetings and understand that two un-notified consecutive absences will result in a contact to ascertain the board member’s ability to serve; and missing one-third of the year’s board meetings will constitute placing the board member on inactive status.
- Actively participate in one or more fundraising activities. This may include individual and/or special event solicitation or direct mail appeals.
- Not share any information about the organization’s finances or activities that isn’t already available to the public through other sources.
- Work in good faith with fellow board members toward the achievement of the OBA’s goals.
Should board members fail to fulfill these commitments to the organization, they understand that the Board President will call upon them to discuss their responsibilities. Should there come a time where they are no longer able to regularly attend meetings and fulfill their obligations to the OBA, it will be their responsibility to resign their position as member of the Board of Directors.
Date Adopted by OBA: April 18, 2017